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Mission Diverse

Making Diversity Our Mission

Damage Limitation & Prevention Strategies.

We provide bespoke Diversity Damage Limitation prevention strategies and damage limitation consultancy

Some of Our Clients & Partners

Saving You Millions

Save millions with our inclusion Diversity Damage Limitation and prevention strategies and damage limitation consultancy! Here’s why…

More consumers are becoming wise the to organisations using culture and diversity  as a way to monetise and promote their products or services without any real substance. As a result, organisations who refer to equality, diversity and inclusivity are now being called out for their lack of real change. We’ve seen several companies loose consumers and key stakeholders, as well as attracting several forms of negative press, which can end us costing companies millions year on year.

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Prevention Is Better Than Cure With Damage Limitation Strategies

With our Diversity Damage Limitation consultancy and crisis management services, we also work to limit public and private damage and exposure that an organisation may currently be facing to issues around diversity and inclusion.

We’ll ensure you’re putting the needs of consumers first, without impacting upon internal business processes. Our diversity damage limitation services enable your organisation to positively leverage diversity through internal and external procedures, processes, media, marketing and messaging.

Don't Jump On The Bandwagon

Companies and organisations often get caught jumping on the “diversity and inclusion” bandwagon by using poorly constructed material such as; press releases, TV ads and social media posts. Yet, these same companies have been found not to be implementing any actionable changes, improved hiring or promotion practices to promote diversity and inclusion within their organisation.

As a result consumers boycott these organisations, stakeholder disassociation and business financial losses into the millions. Make sure this isn’t you with our Diversity Damage Limitation and prevention support.

Diversity Damage Limitation Strategies

Using our Diversity Damage Limitation and prevention services means we’ll work with your organisation to assess how your advertising or marketing campaign can be deemed insensitive, incorrect, ill informed, offensive or even flat out racist or discriminatory. Whilst consulting with you to implement further prevention methods to limit damaging public exposure.

Diversity Policy Review Services Team Policy Meeting


Our Diversity Damage Limitation and prevention services works to strengthen your organisations approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. In addition to helping your organisation really understand and engage with your customers, employees and the wider community.

The typical consumer has changed, but most organisations do not change or adapt their messaging, activities or workplace practices to accurately reflect the society we live in. Several companies including Ikea, Gucci, Prada, Boohoo, Dove and more have all been called out for cultural appropriation for financial gain. Which has only had the adverse affect in loosing customers, and gaining negative PR along the way.

This became evermore relevant in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd, and Black Lives Matter Protests. Where companies across the world pledge to improve diversity and inclusion in their workplace on social media through advertising and marketing. However, these pledges were not reflective in their hiring practices and workplace treatment of minority and under-represented communities. As a result, companies faced consumer backlash, causing them to boycott these companies, refuse to spend money with them and create PR nightmares for jumping on the bandwagon to only cultural appropriate and profiteering of the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Mission Diverse ensure this doesn’t happen to your company by providing you with consultancy support, putting measures and plans in place and implementing strategic direction on how to properly and proactively navigate and engage with diverse communities. 

The lack of diversity and inclusive strategy has also been shown to detract young and diverse talent to an organisation. Consequently, organisations that remain oblivious to diversity changes and refuse to address this in their marketing and communications reduce their ability to attract highly skilled and diverse candidates to roles.

At Mission Diverse we believe in connecting companies with communities. Unlike some organisations, we are a non-profit company, who use the money you pay us for our consultancy and strategic development is reinvested into our Local Community Employability and Enterprise programmes.

Our employability and enterprise programmes provide education, mentoring and personal development training to people from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities. By doing this we hope to provide those from underrepresented communities with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter entrepreneurship and the workplace (…or maybe come and work in your company!).

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