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Mission Diverse

Making Diversity Our Mission

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching programmes in one-to-one and group settings to empower executives, leaders and managers dedicated to guiding your executives towards inclusively overcome challenges, refine their leadership skills, and maximise their impact.

We provide valuable insights, practical tools, and guidance to help them navigate complex business environments, enhance their leadership abilities, and drive sustainable results.

Want to talk to us? Give us a call on +44 (0)121 663 6110

Some of Our Clients & Partners

Diverse Teams
with Confidence

What type of Coaching is right for you?

When it comes to executive coaching, we offer two different formats; one-to-one and group coaching. Both approaches offer distinct benefits to support and instil confidence in your leadership teams.

One-to-one executive coaching focuses on individual development and growth where managers, senior leaders and executive works confidentially and closely with a dedicated coach to address their specific challenges, goals, and areas for improvement.

Executive group coaching brings together managers, senior leaders, and executive group coaching creates a supportive and collaborative environment that drives exceptional results. As well as enabling them to share learning and experiences to better individual and organisational growth.

Who Benefits From Coaching?...

Our coaching services benefit leaders across all industries, including;

  • CEOs
  • C-suite executives
  • Senior managers
  • Middle managers
  • Up-and-coming employees.

We cater to both individuals and organisations seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities, foster a growth mindset, and achieve sustainable success.

How Does It Work?

Our one-to-one and group coaching programmes are designed to be flexible and tailored to the unique needs of each individual or teams.

Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of coaching sessions which are typically conducted on a regular basis, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the agreed-upon schedule. 

The frequency and duration of coaching sessions may vary based on the specific needs of the individual or team. Each session typically lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, providing sufficient time for meaningful dialogue, reflection, and exploration of key coaching topics.

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Want to talk to us? 

Give us a call on +44 (0)121 663 6110

Developing Potential Leaders

Our programmes also offers a wealth of benefits for up-and-coming employees who aspire to grow and excel in their careers. Our personalised and focused approach for future professional development provides invaluable support and guidance to individuals who are eager to enhance their skills, expand their leadership capabilities, and achieve their career goals. 

Elevate Performance

Our coaching programmes are personalised, results-driven approach to leadership development that focuses on the unique needs and aspirations of individual managers, senior leaders and executives within your organisation.

Unlike other organisations, our coaching can be delivered both in-person or virtually. Our expert coaches establish a confidential and trusting partnership with your managers, leaders and executives. Where we provide valuable insights, practical tools, and guidance to help them navigate complex cultural workspaces, business environments, enhance inclusive leadership abilities, and drive sustainable team results.

Get A Quick Quote!

Want to talk to us? 

Give us a call on +44 (0)121 663 6110

Executive Coaching FAQ's

Executive coaching is a highly personalised and inclusion-oriented professional development process designed to support and enhance the performance, leadership skills, and personal growth of executives, managers, and senior leaders within organisations. It involves a one-on-one and/or group partnership between an experienced coach and an executive, focusing on the individual’s specific needs, goals, and challenges.

Executives engage in coaching to gain insights, develop new perspectives, and acquire skills and strategies to excel in their roles. The coaching process involves a series of structured conversations, assessments, and exercises that empower executives to maximise their potential, improve their effectiveness, and achieve their professional objectives.

Our coaching serves as a trusted advisor, facilitator, and sounding board for leaders and executives. Our role is to support, challenge, and guide the executive in their journey of self-discovery, growth, and development. Some key responsibilities of an executive coach include:

  1. Active Listening and Powerful Questioning: Coaches actively listen to executives, seeking to understand their unique perspectives, challenges, and aspirations. 

  2. Goal Setting and Action Planning: Coaches collaborate with executives to define clear goals and objectives. They assist in creating actionable plans that align with the executive’s vision and values. Coaches hold executives accountable for their commitments, monitor progress, and provide ongoing support and encouragement.

  3. Skills Development and Feedback: Our coaches help executives enhance their leadership skills, communication abilities, emotional intelligence, cultural competency and other key competencies. We provide constructive feedback, offer alternative perspectives, and suggest practical strategies for improvement. Mission Diverse support executives in practicing new behaviours, refining their approaches, and achieving sustainable growth.

  4. Confidentiality and Trust: Coaches create a safe and confidential environment where executives can openly share their challenges, concerns, and vulnerabilities. Coaches adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the confidentiality of all coaching discussions and maintaining the trust of the executive.

Coaching, in general, refers to a broader concept of professional guidance and support aimed at helping individuals or teams achieve their goals and maximise their potential. Executive coaching, on the other hand, specifically focuses on the unique needs and challenges faced by executives, managers, and senior leaders in their professional roles.

Our coaching recognises the distinct context in which executives operate, such as leading teams, extracting the most out of your employees, inclusive communication, making strategic decisions, managing stakeholders, and driving organisational success. It addresses the complex interplay of leadership skills, organisational dynamics, and personal growth required for executives to excel in their roles.

While executive coaching is commonly associated with senior leaders, it can also benefit managers and high-potential individuals who aspire to take on leadership roles or want to enhance their leadership capabilities. Our coaching is suitable for anyone seeking personal and professional development in their current or future leadership positions.

Mission Diverse coaching programme are also suitable for employees who leaders, managers and executives identify have with potential to progress in a organisation. It is designed for employees who have demonstrated the potential and ambition to assume more senior and leadership positions within their organisation.

Both our one-to-one and group programmes aims to equip participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to excel in leadership roles and drive organisational success. It serves as a powerful platform for preparing individuals to take on the challenges and responsibilities of leadership with confidence and effectiveness.

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