Virtual Race Equality Training
Live online facilitated 3-hour Race Equality Training for just £120 per person. The training will cover;
- Methods of communication when talking about Race without fear or causing offence.
- Understanding the difference between race, ethnicity & nationality.
- Understanding & combatting racial bias.
- Privilege. What is it? How it manifests itself, and how to use it for good.
Suitable for individual employees, teams, managers, directors and board executives.
(Booking link opens in new window)
Our Race Equality Training Course...
Learning Outcomes
- Learn to speak confidently without fear about race and ethnicity.
- Spot & address racism and micro aggressions.
- How to be anti-racist, and not just “not racist”.
- Become a more inclusive team member, or leader within your organisation.
- Improve your ability to review and revamp your policies and procedures.
- Stay up to date with UN Sustainable Development Goals & ISO Compliance.
(Booking page link opens in new window)
Clients & Testimonials
Added Race Equality Training Benefits
- Get Accredited
- Meet Other Likeminded Professionals
- Interactive Discussion Workshops
- Safe Space Discussion & Live Learning Experiences
- Learn from other Professionals
- Live Online Delivered by Mission Diverse Trainers
(Booking link opens in new window)
Racial Equality Training FAQ's
To book onto this course, simply click the “Book Now” button. You’ll be taken to our training booking service page (Setmore) where you can choose your date and time from our available training calander.
Fill in your details as instructed and pay online via debit or credit card.
Once you have for your training, you’ll receive an email confirming the training. You’ll also receive a text reminder 24-hours prior to the training date.
Please note if you wish to book training for a group of people please email us on [email protected] with the following details:
- Company name
- Your Name
- Email address
- Contact number
- Course name (e.g Open Race Equality training)
- Names of people who you wish to have on the course, including yourself.
Our open Race Equality Training include:
- Interactive workshops.
- Group exercises.
- Lived experience learning.
- Open safe space discussions.
Looking for group Race Equality training or workshops for your employees and senior leadership team. Click here to view our in-person or virtual Foundation Race Equality Training.
If you would like to contact us with regards to this training please click here to complete our online booking form. Or email us on: 0121 663 6110 or email us at [email protected]
- Collaborative working.
- Workplace social dynamics.
- Inclusive and open discussions.
- Workplace culture.
- Become more attractive to potential stakeholders.
At Mission Diverse we believe in connecting companies with communities. Unlike some organisations, we are a non-profit company, who use the money you pay us for our training programmes, to reinvest in our Local Community Employability and Enterprise programmes.
Our employability and enterprise programmes provide education, mentoring and personal development training to people from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities. By doing this we hope to provide those from underrepresented communities with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter entrepreneurship and the workplace (…or maybe come and work in your organisation!).
(Booking page link opens in new window)
Race Equality Training Overview
This course is delivered virtually, by our accredited team of trainers. Our live learning race awareness training courses are open sessions suitable for individuals, employees, managers, senior leaders and board level executives. As well as the basics, our training also includes; using racially inclusive language without fear, driving workplace culture and change, meaning positive action and less token gestures.
(Booking page link opens in new window)
Book Your Training Spot
Foundation: Online Race Equality Training Course
3-hour beginners training covering the basics & legal compliance.-
Methods of communication when talking about Race without fear or causing offence
Understanding the difference between race, ethnicity & nationality.
Understanding & combatting racial bias.
Privilege. What is it? How it manifests itself, and how to use it for good.
Suitable for all individuals employees, staff teams, managers, senior leaders and newbies.
Refresher Culture & Race Awareness Training Course
2-hour Refresher training to ensure you're up-to-date on all things related to Race & Ethnicity.-
Suitable for all individuals who have had previous Race Awareness training & want a refresher to find out what's needed, and new.
Social Changes & Challenges Around Race & Culture.
Future Considerations For Your Organisation.
Legislation Changes Affecting Diversity and Inclusion.
Foundation: Online Culture And Race Awareness Training Course
3-hour beginners training covering the basics & legal compliance.-
Suitable for all individuals employees, staff teams, managers, senior leaders and newbies.
Understanding the difference between race, ethnicity & nationality.
What is racial bias.
Privilege. What is it? How it manifests itself, and how to use it for good.
Methods of communication when talking about Race
Advanced: Online Culture & Race Awareness Training Course
3-hour training for people wanting to progress, improve & embed racial workplace inclusion.-
Suitable for managers, senior leaders, directors, CEO's and board level executives.
Understanding race, racial Language & Behaviour
How to discuss race without being offensive or fearful.
Spotting & Addressing Racism & Micro Aggressions
How senior leaders can support employees the
whiteright way.