This is what Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training is…
Equality, diversity and inclusion training can be broken down into a series of sessions, workshops or 1-to-1 consultancy. All of which is aimed at improving and increasing the level of education and understanding around inclusivity and diversity, particularly in the workplace.
Equality refers to a person’s equal and fair opportunity in relation to others within the workplace.
Diversity refers to characteristics or preferences that differentiates a person or group. Commonly recognised diversity traits are (but not exclusive to) race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, personal identification, education, and national origin.
Inclusion refers to the action or state of including others within a group or an organisation.
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training also helps to improve and promote acceptance of others without prejudice or discrimination. As well as this, EDI training helps employees and employers to address potential unconscious bias that may negatively impact others.
The purpose of our EDI training is to ensure organisations are able to understand, address and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. This enables employers to select from the widest talent pool possible, whilst improving employee workplace satisfaction, mental health, and cohesion, in addition to aiding a company’s financial growth and reputation.
Does diversity and inclusion training work?
Virtually all Fortune 500 companies offer diversity training to their employees. From Google to Amazon, Microsoft to Apple, all of these companies have one thing in common… Diversity and inclusion training.
Studies have found diversity and inclusion training positively impacts employee’s knowledge, attitudes, and actions in the workplace. However, significant leaps in improving employee well-being and company growth come from consistent and updated inclusion and diversity training in the workplace.
For example, quarterly diversity and inclusion training sessions improve both employees and employers cognition, and reinforce positive behaviours in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion on a consistent basis.
Regular diversity and inclusion sessions have also shown to work better than one-off yearly training. This is because regular quarterly training allows people to gradually address their biases over time, as opposed to becoming overwhelmed and potentially defensive. Diversity and inclusion training involving a safe and open forum discussion between participants and employees also positively impacts workplace engagement.
How do you educate staff on diversity?
Our Diversity and Inclusion Training and Consultancy provides companies with different internal processes, discussions, and procedures to help educate employees and employers.
From our experience, we have found that diversity and inclusion are lacking in areas of senior and top level management. Even when there are more than capable candidates for these senior and managerial level workplace positions.
Many surveys and studies have found companies and institutes stick to what is considered the unfounded social norm (white and male) as opposed to selecting from the best quality, and most versatile talent pool possible.
4 easy ways to improve diversity and educate your employees is to:
- Communicate
In order to address diversity and inclusivity in the workplace you must encourage and create a safe space that allows employees to openly without prejudice discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Opening the lines of communication between employees and employers will enable an organisation to see where they need to improve.
Organisations like Mission Diverse offer mediated safe forums and research assessments that enable employees to discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This also allows us to assess and understand areas for organisational improvements, all of which are drawn up in our diversity reports on behalf to help implement and improve within your organisation.
2. Listen
It is crucial to listen to employees in order to help educate others about diversity and inclusion. Many employees find the problem with companies is that even when they speak, they are not heard. In order to educate and advance diversity and inclusivity, individuals at all levels within an organisation must be open to listening to understand, and not listening to respond.
3. Education
Equality, diversity and inclusion training provides a safe and structured way to educate you and your employees in the workplace. Diversity training and consultancy also supports both employees and employers to bring them in line with current legislation and social norms.
Education can also come in the form of employee-to-employee discussion, by supporting and allowing employees to speak about their experiences and understanding the benefits of diversity and inclusivity.
4. Proactivity
Once you have communicated and listened to your employees’ questions, concerns, personal experiences and ideas around equality, diversity and inclusion, you as an organisation will be better placed to assess and address these concerns and put in proactive processes, procedures, and systems to ensure everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to excel with your organisation without discrimination.
Proactivity in addressing diversity and inclusion are things such as (but not exclusive to):
- Diversity leadership teams.
- Dedicated Equality, Diversity and Inclusion managers.
- Research groups.
- Cultural celebrations.
- Diverse and inclusive workplace lead groups.
- Processes and procedures co-curated by diverse employees and employers.
What is included in diversity training?
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training covers a range of varying topics based on you and your teams level of comprehension. From beginners to intermediate and advanced, our training covers areas such as:
- The Equality Act.
- Race Relations Act.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Managers and Board Level.
- Conscious and unconscious bias.
- Micro-aggressions.
- Diverse teams.
- LGBTQ+ awareness.
- Disability inclusion.
- Racial inclusion.
- Race awareness.
- Equality analysis/equality impact assessments.
- Inclusion/diversity champions.
- Managing diverse teams.
- Cultural capability/Cultural awareness.
- Processes and procedure.
- Complaint management and handling.
- Race and mental health/Race and wellbeing.
- Group gamification and discussion about equality, diversity and inclusion.
- Set up of black and minority ethnic employee networks in the workplace.
- Gender equality.
- Set up of supporting employee network groups.
What happens in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training?
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Training covers a variety of topics that all employees and employers in the workplace should be aware of. Our training offers a variety of methods to help employees easily digest information, and this is why we offer training that includes:
- Group workshops.
- Confidential discussion forums.
- 1-to-1 consultancy.
- Online workshops and seminars.
- Online 1-to-1 consultancy.
- Group gamification.
Click here to find out more about our unconscious bias, diversity training and consultancy.